Crazy and rich!
The last time I had items in this "Rich Imari" or "Crazy Japan" pattern I confused two very similar patterns, so now that I have a cup in this pattern again, I am taking the opportunity to set the record straight - and thank you to one of my faithful Instagram followers for sharing their expertise with me - I love learning from my followers!
The Prince Regent was the son of King George III, who was mentally ill and not fit to reign. Not that his sons were much fitter - but they did manage to oversee a good number of wars, huge industrial development and the building of some lavish and highly unnecessary palaces. For his splendid summer pavilion in Brighton, on the south coast of England, with its outlandish pretend-Indian architecture in charming but bad colonial taste, he commissioned an outrageously decorated dinner and tea service with Barr Flight & Barr in Worcester.

This pattern became known as the "Rich Imari" pattern, sometimes also called the "Crazy Japan" pattern - well I don't think I have to explain that one! Birds, trees, flowers, rocks, stars and fences are all jumbled up in wonderfully clashing colours and you can't but love this one. It is still very desired today among collectors and hard to get (the last items I had flew away quickly) so the collector who manages to put a service together needs perseverance and a good dose of luck!
The bowl you see here is of a similar pattern called "Imari Fences" - essentially the same elements but arranged differently. This is the pattern I initially confused, and many people do.
You can find this teacup, and other items, in my shop . If you always want to see the latest, follow my instagram feed... I post pictures and stories every single day.
Enjoy your weekend!
This week's new treasures:
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