Across continents

It's all about collecting in this new May issue of Homes & Antiques, and of course they asked me to write about my own collection. So I thought this is the perfect moment to write about the interesting story of my grandmother, and how she inspired me to start a porcelain business (and collection of course), even without me realising it.

I've written about my grandmother's collection here on this blog a few years ago, but now you can read all about it in more detail in the new issue, or follow the link here. It is a story of several generations and continents, and a bit of world history thrown into it... We are all the product of the people and the times that made us. In my case, I didn't even realise how much I had picked up as a child until I started dealing in porcelain for reasons that were, initially, inexplicable to me.

Nowadays I can hardly remember a time before I was immersed in the beauty of porcelain. It's not so much the number of years as the sense that a lifetime of searching for beauty has found its perfect vehicle. In a world that can easily seem ugly, what we truly love brings us together.
My own collection is small, as I live in a small London flat. But I feel incredibly privileged to be able to find and pass on hundreds of treasures a year. Those WhatsApp pictures of a piece in its new home that I sometimes wake up to first thing in the morning always make my day!
Homes & Antiques Offer
So if you want to know more, head to Homes & Antiques, it is a wonderful magazine and you will be able to catch my monthly column about British porcelain. You can get a discounted subscription and order a free copy here. The free issue contains an interview with myself and several other collectors. The magazine is delivered all over the world but you can also get a digital subscription.
Where to find things
You can find all my available stock here. If you always want to see the latest additions, follow me on Instagram... I post pictures and a story every single day.
Wish List ❤️
Don't forget, you can now create your own profile on the site and keep a wish list. Click on the Log In icon at the top right of each page.
Happy weekend, and enjoy collecting! 🏺🫖🏺
This week's new treasures: